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Since 2009, I’ve been helping my clients find their optimal wellness through developing a deeper understanding of their habits and lifestyle choices. As a Wellness Advisor, I aim to help you create a life balance that prioritizes your well-being and celebrates all aspects of your true self. It’s time to start nurturing your body and soul again.

activate your inner physician

A Tibetan singing bowl is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. Also known as singing bowls or Himalayan bowls, Tibetan singing bowls promote relaxation and offer powerful healing properties. 

  • The vibrations that the bowls produce affect the mind and body.

  • The sounds the bowls create impact brain waves in order to induce relaxation.

  • They induce the same psychological effects and benefits as listening to music.

The benefits of listening to the bowls may be related to the ancient practice of sound therapy. Often used by indigenous cultures throughout the world, sound therapy involves pulsing sounds, clapping, drumming, and singing for ceremonial, spiritual, and health purposes.

Some of the possible uses for singing bowl therapy include:

  • Stress relief: promote relaxation and reduce feelings of anxiety.

  • Improving sleep: Because singing bowl therapy has been linked to decreased anxiety and tension, it may be helpful for improving sleep. 

  • Lowering blood pressure: A preliminary study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion in 2014 examined the benefits of starting a directed relaxation session with 12 minutes of singing bowls and found a greater reduction in systolic blood pressure and heart rate compared to silence before the session.

  • Reducing depression: One study linked singing bowl therapy to improvements in mood and suggested that this approach may be a low-cost way to help reduce symptoms of depression.

  • Stimulating the immune system: Some also claim that Tibetan singing bowls can stimulate the immune system and produce beneficial changes in brain waves.

  • Pain relief: One study looking at chronic spinal pain found that people treated with singing bowl therapy experienced significantly decreased pain intensity as well as decreased stress.

  • Balancing and harmonizing the body: Many proponents claim that the vibrations of a singing bowl can produce beneficial changes in the body by "harmonizing" the cells and "balancing the body's energy system."

  • Enhancing other healing practices: Some people use the bowls in combination with other healing practices, such as meditation and deep breathing.




Holding Hands

Wellness Advising

Chancee helps you address all things emotional, physical, mental & spiritual to find balance and peace in your life. She helps activate the inner physician in all of us by diving into the root of your fears. Planting LOVE along the way!

Chancee's insight, heart and giving is so much appreciated. I yearn to be where she is spiritually. She is such an inspiration of inner peace.


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